Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a BOY!

Words can not express the joy we had when the doctor told us that we were having a SON! A little BOY! We were so happy and shocked! We called everyone to tell them. I felt so thankful that we were going to get to raise a son and I was already so proud of you. I look forward to watching you grow and learn.

I had such a pleasant pregnancy. You were such an active little guy. You had a strong kick and did a pretty good somersault! I would get so excited whenever you would move, it was so fun to have your Dad and sisters run over to feel you move! You would get the hiccups all the time. It was such a weird feeling, so I would sit and rub my belly and hope that it would comfort you. You were such a big baby and I got lots of stretch marks!

It was so exciting to get our home ready for our little boy. We had a blast buying handsome little outfits and all that cute boy stuff. Your sisters would help to put away whatever we had bought that day. Everyone was so excited. Two of my good friends Mitzi Sweeten and Brooke Stone gave us a baby shower. It was so fun and you got so many nice things. They had a chocolate fountain with lots of yummy things to dip. A lot of friends came to celebrate with us and we had such a great time! Grandma Chris was on her mission in Boston when we had the baby shower. She left a package for you when she left so we decided to open it at the shower. It was a beautiful baby quilt that she had made for you before she left. She loves you so much.